The Peace In Love PercussionsThe Total Package
To say that Senegal percussion troupe The Peace In Love
Percussions impressed a few folks at Gypsy Avalon this afternoon would be a huge
understatement. Even if you were to say something along the lines of "the band
completely blew the minds of every spectator huddled around Avalon's tiny
stage", you still wouldn't be anywhere close enough to doing justice to the
remarkable act.
The show began with a woman walking out on stage and asking "Are
you ready to dance?" Shortly after, a flutist emerged from the back and began
playing. He was soon joined by six other musicians all carrying different
percussion instruments. The band did a quick lap and then stood in a straight
line, fittingly enough, in front of the giant peace symbol draped along the rear
of Avalon. Two members of the group wildly shook shaker style instruments. Three
had large, bowl-like hand drums, and one had a djembe between his legs. All were
dressed in what I'm assuming was some kind of traditional African clothing.
After a few minutes of drumming and dancing, the real fun began.
The three drummers began tossing their drums in the air and catching them while
playing as the suddenly boisterous crowd began to voice thier approval. They
then put their instruments down and began walking across the stage on their
hands. The three then reconvened and began twisting their bodies together like a
trio of expert contortionists. They took turn lifting each other up and
performing acrobatic moves that would surely net a high score from olympic
gymnastic judges.
This was just a small sampling of the amazing performance that
was to follow. Everyone did various flips, handstands, and summersaults while
still playing some kind of instrument. The crowd gasped and then cheered wildly
as each feat was unveiled. The band won over everyone in the rapidly growing
audience with their brilliant routines and awesome showmanship that included,
but wasn't limited to, one of the guys grabbing four torches and rubbing fire
all of his body before spitting flames across the stage while the peaceful
rhythms continued to flow. Constantly out doing themselves, The Peace In Love
Percussions make unique music and are entertaining as hell to watch. Basically,
they're the total package and definitely stand out amongst the numerous hidden
treasures that this year's Fuji Rock line-up offers.
Although it's been written by music writers millions of times,
this truly was something that had to be witnessed to be appreciated. I'd be
shocked if this wasn't one of the weekend's highlights for everyone who caught
the show.
Reported by shawn (2005.07.30 / 20:35)
The Peace In Love Percussions
Reported by ryota (2005.07.31 / 15:18)
The Peace In Love Percussions音楽とリズムは世界をつなぐ
The Peace In Love
Reported by clala (2005.07.31 / 16:17)
The Peace In Love Percussions
Reported by hiroqui (2005.07.30 / 23:16)
The Peace In Love Percussions安田大サーカス!?
Reported by ken (2005.07.30 / 23:35)
The Peace In Love Percussions
Reported by yusuke (2005.07.31 / 18:37)
Mountain, Sky」というフレーズを用いたりするあたりトランスの香りがぷんぷんする。
Mountain, Sky」ひとつひとつの言葉は記号に過ぎず、体験はその全てをひとつにつなげた。感慨深し。非常に面白いライヴでしたよ。
Reported by toddy (2005.07.31 / 02:35)
Youth (Poetry)Culture Clash
It was with some anticipation that I made the trek down to Gypsy
Avalon for Youth's performance on Saturday evening. I knew nothing at all about
what Youth was all about, and that's the way to find absolute gems at a big rock
festival: take a chance on the unknown. I arrived to find that Youth was, in
this particlar incarnation as there was more than one over the weekend, an
African backing band (well mostly African), with a poetry reading over the top.
Potentially a great thing.
After all the rain that had finally subsided for a short spell,
the poet opened up with a piece entitled "Feel The Rain." I believe he had
written this earlier in the day after being inspired by the torrential falls.
This turned into an emploring call for the audience to remove their clothes, and
dance naked in the (currently non-existent) rain. Fortunately for those others
present, I was not moved to do so. Unfortunately for myself, none of the crowd
of rather attractive girls gathered were so moved either...... Piece number two
entitled (I presume) "Silent Screams" was somewhat less demanding, but much more
emotional than the first.
There were several other pieces rounding out the half hour
performance, each one better than the last as our poet found his feet &
gained confidence. The percussionists and flautist were great, and kept a great
pace throughout the performance. The poetry itself was good especially when
considering some of it was fresh off the quill mere hours before. The African
music was an interesting choice to sit alongside the spoken word performance. I
think that something in an African dialect from one of the musicians would have
been an interesting addition, but alas it wasn't to be. After this performance I
was wishing I'd seen his different styles on the other stage, as I heard that
Youth's DJ set had been an absolute killer!
Reported by dom (2005.08.03 / 21:58)